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TytoCare’s Home Health Delivery Metrics™

The success of virtual care programs should align with comprehensive metrics that address critical business goals. TytoCare’s Home Health Delivery Metrics™ were developed alongside health plans, providers, and clinicians. They address the pressing healthcare issues that virtual care can alleviate, such as quality of care, total cost of care, retention, acquisition, and healthcare equity.

Virtual care should possess broad diagnostic capabilities to accurately treat a range of common conditions.

Virtual care can be used to support health plans in increasing the retention and acquisition of new members.

Virtual care should bring better healthcare access to more communities, improving health outcomes for all.

The majority of virtual care visits should be resolved fully remotely, without the need for a subsequent visit.

Better engagement with virtual care will lead to increased utilization and higher satisfaction rates.

The Home Health Delivery Metrics™ demonstrate the immense value and impact of virtual care programs to patients, clinicians, and healthcare organizations.

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How to measure success:

Home Health Delivery Metrics™

Successful Home Smart Clinic deployments cannot be measured by utilization rates alone. Success should be measured by indicators that directly impact the critical business metrics of quality, equity, cost, and retention/acquisition. Our D.R.I.V.E. metrics give a framework for optimal measurement of the success of virtual care programs.

Diagnostic capabilities

Home Smart Clinic solutions must enable accurate diagnoses, and also a broad range of diagnosis capabilities.


ICD-10 codes diagnosed more accurately than with traditional audio/video telehealth

Retention and acquisition

To impact overall business metrics, the Home Smart Clinic should increase retention and encourage acquisition of new members and patients.

NPS score creating more satisfied patients and increased user retention


Any Home Smart Clinic solution must increase access to care and equity, bringing health into the home, for all communities.

NPS among Medicaid beneficiaries both urban and underserved areas

Visit resolution

Along with diagnostic capabilities comes higher visit resolution numbers, for more effective care, no readmissions, and a reduction in unnecessary visits.

remote visit resolution to keep families at home with access to lower cost


To measure behavioural change, there should be a rise in NPS scoring, in utilization rates, and in repeat visits.

utilization rate of traditional audio and video telehealth solutions