Thermometer Issues
Please note: The TytoCare device has an IR thermometer, which in general are very sensitive to environmental factors. According to the FDA – while typically 98.6°F (37.0°C) is considered a “normal” temperature, some studies have shown that “normal” body temperature can be within a wide range, from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).
During temperature exam, the device says indefinite temperature results and/or device needs calibration:
Here are our recommendations as far as temperature exams:
- Gently wipe down the IR sensor using a cotton swab (Q-tip) dipped in Isopropyl alcohol (to get rid of dust and other particles).
- Make sure the patient and device are in the same room for at least 30 minutes before measuring temperature.
- The device should be OFF and not charging during this time
- ensure user positions Tyto Device within 1 inch from the center of the forehead
- The Tyto Device should be pointed to the forehead for the full duration of the exam. Aim immediately, from the very beginning to the end of the exam.
- Make sure the device is not touching the forehead
- Clear path from the Tyto Device to the forehead (no hair)
- The forehead is wiped clean (no sweat)
- Make sure the patient is in a draft-free area, not in direct sunlight, under an air conditioning vent, or near a fan or radiator.
- Manually calibrate:
- Start with the temperature exam, swipe down on the menu screen, and hit Surface Calibration
- Then follow the instructions prompted in the Tyto Device
- Make sure calibration is done on an internal wall
The temperature is consistently outside of the 36.1°C to 37.0°C Range
- Support should log in to the Clinician Station, invite the user for a demo visit, select the Temperature exam and see if the issue persists.
- If it does – contact TytoCare support.