Thermometer Issues

Please note: The TytoCare device has an IR thermometer, which in general are very sensitive to environmental factors. According to the FDA – while typically 98.6°F (37.0°C) is considered a “normal” temperature, some studies have shown that “normal” body temperature can be within a wide range, from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).

During temperature exam, the device says indefinite temperature results and/or device needs calibration:

Here are our recommendations as far as temperature exams:

  1. Gently wipe down the IR sensor using a cotton swab (Q-tip) dipped in Isopropyl alcohol (to get rid of dust and other particles).
  2. Make sure the patient and device are in the same room for at least 30 minutes before measuring temperature.
    • The device should be OFF and not charging during this time
  3. ensure user positions Tyto Device within 1 inch from the center of the forehead
    • The Tyto Device should be pointed to the forehead for the full duration of the exam. Aim immediately, from the very beginning to the end of the exam.
  4. Make sure the device is not touching the forehead
    • Clear path from the Tyto Device to the forehead (no hair)
    • The forehead is wiped clean (no sweat)
    • Make sure the patient is in a draft-free area, not in direct sunlight, under an air conditioning vent, or near a fan or radiator.
  5. Manually calibrate:
    • Start with the temperature exam, swipe down on the menu screen, and hit Surface Calibration
    • Then follow the instructions prompted in the Tyto Device
    • Make sure calibration is done on an internal wall

The temperature is consistently outside of the 36.1°C to 37.0°C Range

  1. Support should log in to the Clinician Station, invite the user for a demo visit, select the Temperature exam and see if the issue persists.
  2. If it does – contact TytoCare support.