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These three telehealth approaches show how the sector is diversifying

By STEPHANIE BAUM There has been a good deal of activity in the world of telehealth in the past couple of weeks. American Well inked a deal with Tyto Care. Austin-based Medici Founder Clinton Phillips, who previously led 2nd.MD, raised $24 million to support the company’s expansion. Remedy launched an app with machine learning baked into a platform to put board certified physicians in front of patients in California. Each of these companies is very different and reflect some of the diversity in the telehealth market. American Well’s agreement with Tyto Care integrates the Israeli device maker’s self-exam tool with American Well’s video visit platform. Tyto Care received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month for a digital stethoscope that’s intended to be integrated with TytoCare’s handheld device. Tyto Care’s device includes a digital stethoscope, otoscope, thermometer and exam camera and is intended to help capture data through an exam of a patient’s mouth, ears, throat, eyes, skin, and check temperature, heart sounds and lung sounds. So individuals use Tyto Care’s device for the physical exam from their home as an American Well physician interprets the images and data from their office. American Well CEO Dr. Roy Schoenberg said the deal with Tyto Care gives remote telehealth physicians the ability to do physical exams that can help them safely diagnose, treat and track their patients’ condition. It’s like HealthSpot without the costly kiosks. View Original Article