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Home Smart Clinic

To meet the needs of health plans, providers, and families, high-quality primary care from home requires a comprehensive solution based on a clear blueprint. The Home Smart Clinic conducts remote physical exams using AI-powered guidance and diagnostic support, enables all primary care modalities, and supports health plan and provider integrations.

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“We believe there is no reason why meeting a doctor remotely from home should be any less effective than seeing one in the clinic.”

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Primary care from home with no compromises

The Home Smart Clinic solutions include the comprehensive range of elements required by healthcare organizations to launch a truly successful virtual care program. TytoCare’s Home Smart Clinic solutions enable programs that work for health plans, healthcare providers, and the families they support.

Join the new age of primary care, with no compromises.

Make the home the preferred place for families to access quality primary care they can trust with no compromises, no inconvenience, and no inefficiencies.