Better healthcare for a wider range of community members
Provide better healthcare to a wider range of community members, improve performance indicators, and reduce clinician burnout.
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Addressing the problem of rural healthcare deserts
Many Americans living in rural areas are medically underserved. Can telehealth alleviate the burden by providing virtual healthcare to patients, wherever they are? Rural healthcare ‘deserts’ Rural healthcare disparities are a growing concern in America. Dozens of rural hospital facilities have closed over the past decade, and hundreds more are classified as vulnerable to closure. […]

Bringing better school-based health to Detroit with Henry Ford Health
With many students across Detroit and Southeast Michigan public schools lacking access to pediatric services, Henry Ford Health System brought TytoCare into school clinics. In less than 6 months, the program has already seen increased utilization of school clinics and significant benefits, such as lower costs and reduced absenteeism.